You will now see a green box with a tick meaning your Twitch account is authorized. Once you enter the code correctly you'll need to Authorize TwitchLeecher. It will then ask for a 2-Factor-Authorization code that will be sent to your email used for your Twitch account. Once installed simply authorize your Twitch account by clicking the box with a Twitch icon. What it involves is using the last version of Twitch Leecher to have Twitch account authorization (Version 1.7.3) you can download it here: However, I found a workaround that mitigates the problem, albeit in a "dirty" "hacky" way as the author Franiac puts it. If interested you can read about how it unfolded here: This is because Twitch has decided to block API tokens of such apps from accessing content. If you try downloading videos from Twitch, especially channels that require a subscription, you will quickly find out that it's not possible with 3rd party programs like DVDFab Downloader or Twitch Leecher.