Send horizontal or vertical blasts of energy at enemies with the Plasma Cutter, remotely control a high-speed sawblade with the Disc Ripper, and fill hallways with wide swaths of destruction with the Line Gun. There aren’t many traditional firearms aboard the Ishimura, but there’s plenty of stopping power in Isaac’s toolkit.

To survive, you’ll need to dismember their insect-like limbs, one at a time. Headshots do about as much damage to them as flicking rubber bands. The Necromorphs are unlike any enemies you’ve seen before. Fortunately, your offense is equally unique, as the high-powered mining tools at your disposal provide the means to fight against the threat. The undead have become Necromorphs horrific zombie-alien hybrids that won’t succumb to traditional means.

You are, however, the last line of defense between the remaining living crew and deadly reanimated corpses. You are Isaac Clarke, an engineer on the spacecraft USG Ishimura.